15  IC's/month maintenance
Made Available on:   May 10, 2005
Manufacture Time:   1 days
Total Manufactured:   10,000

Category: Droid - Combat
Manufacturer: Colicoids
Height: 1.83 m
Description: Droidekas (also Destroyer Droids) are a type of battle droid used by the Trade Federation. They are more formidable than the Federation's more numerous B-1 battle droids, for several reasons. They were able to transform into a wheel-like state, allowing rapid movement and compact storage. When speed was not required, they would unfold into a tripodal weapons platform, equipped with powerful, built-in twin blasters and personal shield generators.

The original design was made by the insectoid people of Colla IV, who were displeased by the limitations of Baktoid Combat Automata's basic B-1 battle droids, and chiefly manufactured there. The Trade Federation used trading in rare meats as a way to ease bargaining with the ravenously carnivorous Colicoids, and were able to get special rates on these normally very costly droids. Before the Federation's defeat at the Battle of Naboo, these droids were usually slaved to a central computer. This technique fell out of favor in the aftermath of said battle.

After the Trade Federation joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems, droidekas became a common element of Confederacy armies.
Specialized Characteristics: Droidekas host a set of twin blasters on each arm segment and have a powerful personal shielding system when in defensive mode.
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